Our entire reading program is centered around custom educational software, our Immersive Reading WholeReader app which is a custom ebook reader — with high-quality human narration integrated and aligned word-for-word. This combination of the ear and the eye transforms reading into a 10x vocabulary absorption experience.

WholeReader.com - Software by and for Book Lovers
All our study activity centers around our multi-platform ebook reader. The Reader constantly assesses and tracks student progress and ties together all participants in a class.

Multi-platform Synced
Students can work on multiple devices and on any device — desktop computer, tablet computer or phone. Since everything is audio-accompanied, the student can take a walk and listen to the material with a phone then get back and pick up reading with a tablet then switch to a laptop to write some exercises. Everything is synchronized all the time.

Full Audio Accompaniment
Every book, every note, every overlay the student experiences in the reader is accompanied by quality audio. This has the added advantage of allowing the student to sometimes close his or her eyes and just listen.

Data-Tailored Learning
Paper books are hard to beat. But computers are better at tracking every single word the student has ever read. Our software knows the distribution weight of every word in the language and the precise likelihood that the student already knows a particular word.

Jump Back and Forth Between Books
Our students can quickly move back and forth between books with a simple drop-down or quick swipe. Multiple open books allows easy cross-referencing, comparison and research.

Book-Embedded Discussion
The book becomes the context of discussion. Students initiate and engage in conversation with discussion threads embedded in the text of a book. Carrying a group dynamic into the sphere of independent study helps the students feel a sense of topical relevance which improves retention.

Integrated Search and Research Tools
Powerful full text search of the entire literature library as well as integrated results from the web and Wikipedia help the student build the habit of research.

Vast Library in Student’s Palm
Our students study a sequence of books together but they carry away a large library of classical literature for their continuing edification and enjoyment. Our aim is to develop a level of reading fluency and joy for reading which will motivate the student to continue intensive reading when they return home.